IMAGINE WAR - A participatory performance project by Maren Montauk

With her 'instructions' she leads the participants through the "Circle of Peace", a created space, in person or digitally. Inside, the space opens up with various concepts of inner work and self-recreation, aiming to achieve inner peace.

Imagine War follows a vision: identify and endure your personal "state of war". Reflect it with this newly gathered set of tools and overcome your fear. The fear disappears and is replaced with inner peace.

Inner peace benefits creativity.
Creativity leads to empowerment.
Empowerment is self-protection against personal war & crisis.

The Circle of Peace

  • Imagine War:

    Do the Self Meditation for yourself or as a prelude to the following points

  • Bootcamp of peace:

    Come together and find your inner peace with the help of our tools and skills

  • Creation:

    Become part of this project and be creative

  • Community:

    Meet international Artists in different exhibitions and upcoming stages

Start here:


Do not listen to meditation recordings whilst driving or operating machinery. These recordings are not designed to be listened to by anyone suffering from traumas, epilepsy or severe mental health issues, including psychosis. The instructions and guidance given by Maren Kessler and the other authors on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or illness. If you are unsure about the suitability of these recordings please consult a professional before listening.

How does it feel? What does it look like?

If you feel like creating something, this may be the right moment to get in touch with us or to join our Digital Playroom

Audio instruction

Voiced Instruction
Without Speech